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How to set Product Price up to 3 decimal places - Wissensdatenbank / Website und Produkte - ShopFactory Help Center

How to set Product Price up to 3 decimal places


How to set Product Price up to 3 decimal places

To set the currency format into 3 decimal places for "Product Price" you need to do the following -

- Go to Control Panel

- Double click "Regional and Language Options"

- At the Regional Options tab, click "Additional settings..." button

- And then click the "Currency" tab

- Click drop down button at the "No. of digits after decimal"

- Click OK

- Click OK

Then you need to update the CURRENCY.XML file manually:

The changes to currency.xml are not checked into SF. This needs to be done manually by the merchant because if it was in there by default, then prices will have 3 decimal places for all ShopFactory users, which is not the usual case. Most merchants only use the 2 decimal places format.

Edit the currency.xml file in SF for this to take effect.

- Edit the currency.xml so that the currency has the “SignificantDigits” attribute set to 3.

- Open Windows Explorer and at the "Address: " bar, type

C:\Program Files (x86)\ShopFactory V14\ShopFactory\

- Press ENTER key from your keyboard.

- At the contents pane, locate the file called "Currency.xml"

- Right-click on the Currency.xml file and from the shortcut menu, select Open With...-> Notepad.

- The Currency.xml file will show in Notepad as plain text.

- Press CTRL + F and type EUR or whatever your currency is

- Click NEXT and edit ALL SignificantDigits instances to 3

- Find "EUR", for example -> then change the value at SignificantDigits=""

- Click “Find Next” until all the instance has been changed accordingly, such as "EUR" SignificantDigits="3"

- Once finished, close Notepad.

- open the shop project in SF and re-select the currency in "Central dropdown -> Currencies accepted" for this to take effect.

- enter the price with 3 decimal places

- Save and preview shop.