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Adding Related products (Cross promotions) - Knowledgebase / Pages and Products - ShopFactory Help Center

Adding Related products (Cross promotions)

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To optimize a product page, you can also display and cross-sell related products. You can make it easy for customers to continue shopping, and drive conversions by showing related products on a product page. What can often be overlooked, however, is which products appear as recommended options.

ShopFactory allows you to link a product to related products/paragraphs, to other pages in your website or to external websites.

This can help boost sales by making customers aware of other products available to them or by providing them with more information to help them with their purchasing decision.

Setup related products (cross promotions)

- Open your shop in ShopFactory

- At the left-tree menu, select the page where you want to setup cross-promoted products  

- Select a product and click on  EDIT PRODUCT 

- Choose "Related products" from the left menu.

- Select whether you want to cross promote a page or individual products or internet address

If adding a product, select the "Products" tab 

- At the lower part of the dialog, you will see all the products and paragraphs.

- Select the product you want to cross-promote and click (Move) >> button to move it to the List of Links box.

- Add a linked image, Title, and Description


- Click OK.

***Repeat above steps for other products you want to cross-promote.
To edit an existing linked item, select the product and click EDIT button.

Below is an example of Related Products section on a Product page: