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EN-Remove ShopFactory Logo in my shop - Base de conocimiento / Aspecto y personalización - ShopFactory Help Center

EN-Remove ShopFactory Logo in my shop

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- Close ShopFactory

- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the ShopFactory installation folder, by default, it should be at C:\Program Files (x86)\ShopFactory V14\ShopFactory\Common Files

- Locate the alias.ini file -> right click on it -> Open with... -> Notepad

- Search for these lines:


Sets application Logo: 0 disables Logo and 1 enables logo


- Change the 1 into a 0 (zero) and save the file.


- Open your shop in ShopFactory and go to SETTINGS menu and enable Rebuild All

Save and Preview your shop in External browser

- Republish your website with the option "Publish All" enabled at least for this session

ShopFactory logo should not show anymore in your online shop.