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Translate "Website Footer" texts in other languages - Base de conocimiento / Complementos y sistemas backend - ShopFactory Help Center

Translate "Website Footer" texts in other languages

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Language Link add-on is included in ShopFactory Gold and Platinum plans. When you activate navigation of your site in multiple languages, you can translate the site elements and pages in other languages.

Translating the Website Footer texts you have added at the bottom page:

Note: Website Footer background color can be changed in Customize Design interface but the footer Text colour can't be changed in Customize Design because it's using font tags. You can change the Footer text color using the formatting toolbar in (Language Link) Translate Contents/Website dialog. The HTML content has font tags that sets the color, which overrides the Customise Design colors.

- Open your shop in ShopFactory

- At the Language toolbar, click on "Translate website" button

- Locate the Website Footer section

- Translate the footer information on the right column, as shown in below screenshot:

(Paste as text and change the text color using the formatting toolbar on the bottom.)

- Click the "Translate website" button again to go back to Normal editing mode.

- Save and preview your shop in MS Edge/Google Chrome external browser.

- Publish your shop again.